
10 Software Development Trends 2023

Companies seek to renew themselves yearly by betting on new techniques that optimize their performance, especially after the pandemic. Technology is the means of excellence that they use to do this. For this reason, it is advisable to be aware of all the updates in the sector. As for software development trends, in 2021, seven of the ten most valuable companies in the world were related to it. If you want to invest in your business to improve productivity and automate different processes, look at our list. It will help you better understand the current situation!

1.Low Code

Due to the growth in demand for software developers and their lower supply in the market, techniques such as low code are gaining popularity, since low-code solutions allow programmers to speed up the process and create applications more easily and quickly. In 2027, low code is expected to reach a value of 65 billion dollars with an annual growth of 26.1% – Statista. Advanced coding is not used in low code, and the visual interface is similar to a drag-and-drop environment. With it, another concept has appeared: no code, but this alternative can cause various problems in the long term since it is not as functional or adaptable.


It is a universe that combines physical reality with virtuality, where connected people can interact in a parallel experience. People are avatars that coexist in a community, carrying out activities similar to the world as we know it. Although it is not yet tangible for users, the metaverse has been on everyone’s lips since Facebook decided to bet on it. Companies want to make their way into this space to provide solutions such as testing the acceptance of new products, organizing events, visiting properties, trying on clothes, performing risk-free operations and surgeries, and much more!


As long as technology exists, there will be people like hackers who want to carry out bad practices on it. In recent years, fraud and digital scams, such as phishing, have increased exponentially. Trust is vital for customers to bet on a brand. Therefore, companies are responsible for guaranteeing this factor to users. Likewise, data protection is not left behind. For this reason, more sophisticated and incorruptible techniques are being used to safeguard information from computer attacks.

10 Software Development Trends 2023 10 Software Development Trends 2023


Certainly! It appears you’ve described blockchain as the fourth software development trend, emphasizing its added value in enhancing digital security through guarantees of information immutability, transparency, and traceability. Blockchain is recognized as a premier solution for safeguarding data and systems, finding increasing applications in software development, transaction execution, and product monitoring. Furthermore, it offers additional functionalities, such as process automation. A notable example is the use of smart contracts, where automatic and immediate penalties are applied if any clauses are breached during the contract signing process.

5.Growth of IT outsourcing or subcontracting

To keep pace with the changing needs of the IT industry, it is necessary to have the human resources that drive said digitalization. This, together with the difficulty of the market in finding technology specialists, as we have already mentioned, causes companies to turn to specialized companies in selection or software development. Asking IT agencies to develop their entire projects or resorting to profile outsourcing to have exclusive talent for a certain period of time. Performing programming, testing, product, and project management tasks, etc.


ICTs and sustainability will go hand in hand in 2023, in a panorama where care for the environment and ecosystems is gaining more and more notoriety. Creating eco-friendly technology offers multiple benefits, both to the planet by reducing waste and to companies that improve their reputation and corporate social responsibility. Fifty-nine percent of companies would increase their IT expenses to have environmentally friendly tools.

7.Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Related to the previous point, responsibility is also extrapolated to different areas. Since an AI is being built based on security, empathy, and equality, through data, machines will continue to learn intelligently, and we will seek to align them with our ethical, cultural, and social values. With this, we verify that artificial intelligence and its multiple applications will not stop this year. Since they have great potential, providing human characteristics to machines increases the productivity of multiple sectors and is one of the main software development trends.


Many organizations have been betting on the Cloud world for years, uploading their applications and systems to the cloud, benefiting from its security, maintenance, and storage, and this year, they will continue to do so. According to Gartner, global spending on cloud services will reach $482 billion in 2023.

9.Updated technology stack

To create functional software that lasts over time, building it with the best possible tools is advisable. To do this, you must be aware of the current technologies, frameworks, and languages. JavaScript, Python, Swift, Kotlin, Angular… We must consider various web and mobile development technologies aimed at promoting cross-platform development and creating applications with various operating systems, such as Ionic, Flutter, or React Native.

10.Web 3.0

What is web3? Until now, we only knew about Web 2.0, focused on sharing information freely on the Internet, for example, with social networks.This new website is based on blockchain, providing security and decentralization since the IT giants will no longer monopolize the data. They cannot be manipulated either, providing speed, quickness, and confidence.This is our list of software development trends. Do you agree with all of them? Do you think we have left any out? Do you need a technology agency to help you? Software continues to progress, so there are more trends to consider, such as IoT, IoB, microservices, rigid software, and many more!

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